
Citimed Ambulance Services
0800 333 911

To view a list of any JMH Hospitals network arrangements please click the dropdown above -

Designated Service Provider Hospitals Network Arrangements

JMH Hospitals are proud to be accredited service providers with most Medical Aid Schemes, offering a wide range of benefits to patients. We are pleased to share that all JMH facilities are included in the GEMS Emerald Value Option DSP Network, with no co-payment required.

For patients who require admission to a non-network hospital, pre-authorization can be obtained with no DSP co-payments if appropriately motivated for.

Medical Aid Plan Type
Bonitas BonClassic, BonComplete, BonSave, Hospital Standard, Bonfit Select, Bonitas Standard Select, Primary Select, BonEssential Select, Boncap, Comprehensive, Standard, Primary, BonEssential
Discovery All plan types including Keycare and Discovery Day Surgery Network with the exception of Delta option
GEMS All Plan Types including Emerald Value Option
KeyHealth All Plan Types
Medshield Premium Plus, MediBonus, MediPlus Prime, MediValue, Medicurve, Mediphila
Momentum All Plan Types (Custom, Incentive, Extender, Summit, Ingwe), Ingwe Network Option, Associated - Custom, Incentive, Extender
Polmed Marine, Aquarium
Sizwe All Plan Types